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Multiple Business registration

To register you will have to provide your Sponsor's number. Please be sure to have it at hand and follow the steps:

  1. Click on the 'Sign In' icon in the top right corner of the website.
  2. Select Register as an Amway Business Owner.
  3. Enter your local Sponsor's Number an Verify it.
  4. You will see two tick boxes - one for 'Multiple Business' and one for 'International Sponsor'.
  5. If you want to register your own second business in a market, tick the Multiple Business box.
  6. You will be requested to select one of your active businesses in another country as Multiple Business, and enter the respective ABO number, to make sure that both your businesses are properly linked.
  7. Once done, you can proceed and enter the rest of data required to register as an ABO.


Note: To be eligible to set up a Multiple Business in Europe, from a market outside Europe, you need to be at minimum at Platinum level or need to meet one of the exceptions as defined in the International Sponsoring Policy (available on the website).

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