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Registering as a Customer

To purchase products for personal use from Amway, you must register as a customer. Guest ordering is not available.

  1. Click on the Sign In icon located in the top right corner of the website.
  2. Under Register, click on 'Customer' button.
  3. Enter the Sponsor number. 
  4. Complete the required information, ensuring you verify your Sponsor's number and validate your email address.


    • If you have received an invitation link, the 'Your Sponsor's number' field will already be prefilled with your Sponsor's data.
    • If you don't have Sponsor Number - please select your registration country to learn more
  • If you don't have a Sponsor Number, please contact Customer Service for assistance in assigning one to you. 
  • If you don't know a Sponsor, you can choose the option to find a sponsor based on your address area.


Please note:

  • If you would like to register as Customer with legal entity, please select the option during registration.



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