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Update your Bank information data and credit cards

There is a set of data that you can update by accessing your profile. Please note that you need to be signed in to the Amway website to make these changes.


Add Bank Information: 

  1. Go to your Profile
  2. Select Bank Information
  3. Enter Account Name Holder
  4. Enter IBAN Code
  5. Tick the box to confirm that you are the owner of the Bank Account
  6. Click Add Bank Account


Bank Account data update

Bank account cannot be edited online, if you try to edit it online, you will be prompeted to call Customer Support.


Credit card details update

To enter or change your credit card details:

  1. Navigate to the My Account page.
  2. Click through to My Payments.
  3. Select Add Another Card or Edit Payment Card and follow the instructions.

Please note that Credit cards can be added / edited during the checkout, too.

Remember: Your credit card information will be stored by the secure external payment provider.

IMPORTANT: For your data safety do not email or post any credit card information to Amway.


Billing Address update: 

You can you to allocate different addresses for delivery and billing. To edit billing address please follow the steps: 

  1. Go to your Profile
  2. Select Personal Details
  3. Click Billing Address
  4. Edit your information

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